
Network Scholarship

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Supportive and Reliable

The newly launched MBS Network Scholarship represents another major step for the Mannheim Community. In the last weeks, months and years, you have all experienced how great it is to belong to this community, this family so to say. It helps members with their career development, recruiting, business opportunities, and generally providing each other with lifelong support. And above all, it is in keeping with our motto: #MannheimerForLife. But first, you have to have been admitted to one of our degree programs.

We are relaunching the MBS Network Scholarship to help future Mannheim students: You can now help a prospective Mannheim student make their dream come true with your contribution.

Meet the MBS Network Scholarship Holder 2022

We are happy to announce that this year’s MBS Network Scholarship, a scholarship from Mannheimers for Mannheimers, went to Upamanyu Sengupta, a participant of the new Mannheim Full-Time MBA Class of 2023! Upamanyu has a background in electrical engineering and has worked in operations and project management roles in F&B and energy companies. He has gathered skills and experiences while undertaking projects and assignments in the forests, mountains and villages of India.

Being ready for taking on new challenges and embarking on new learning experiences is his way of life, he says. Mannheim Business School in Germany for him is the perfect place for making his career transition into the renewable energy industry, where he feels he can utilize his skills best. In the long term, he would even like to create his own company with a focus on sustainable and renewable energy.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed towards helping Upamanyu make his dream come true, especially to Mannheimers Rim Elfu, Tracoe Medical, and Na Li! Special thanks also to Range Rover for the support through the Leaders of Tomorrow Club.

How to Contribute?

Our network currently comprises more than 4,000 members. This means that if everyone donates just €10, this year’s MBS Network Scholarship will be a full scholarship!

Can we do this together? We believe so!

In total, more than 70 Mannheimers have already made their donation. Thank you to all of you! Please take a look at our wall of donators!

Do you want to support a future fellow Mannheimer? Please donate via


(Pursuant to Section 50 (4) Sentence 1 EStDV, for donations of up to € 300, a cash payment receipt or the booking confirmation from the bank is sufficient as proof of the donation. A separate donation receipt is not required for tax recognition of the donation.)

What does it mean to contribute to the MBS Network Scholarship and how does it work?

  • Prospective students of the Mannheim Full-Time MBA may apply for the MBS Network Scholarship in 2022. The MBS Chapter Ambassadors will ultimately decide who will receive the scholarship.
  • We honor your commitment by including you on the MBS Wall of Supporters.
  • You are creating the opportunity for someone lacking the financial resources to become a member of the Mannheim Community.
  • All donations are tax deductible. If you donate €300 or more, we will also issue a donation receipt.

Contact Person

Dr. Sven Stromann
Director Alumni Relations and Career Development Office (ACO)


Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is considered to be one of the leading institutions of its kind in Germany and is continuously ranked as Germany’s #1.


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