
Innovation Development

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The World Keeps Changing - Keep Up with Innovation Development

Customer expectations are changing at a rapid pace, digitization is constantly revolutionizing habits and needs. This requires agile and sustainable business models that adapt to the changing conditions. Also, the ability to identify, understand and integrate customer needs into the development of new products and services is becoming an increasingly important success factor for companies. Methods such as Business Model Innovation, Design Thinking, Open Innovation and Lean Startup help companies face these challenges and make business models, product and service portfolios fit for the future.

Exemplary course contents and organization

  • Target audience

    The workshop is aimed at executives, multipliers and decision-makers with contact points to the development and implementation of innovative products, services, processes and business models.

  • Learning goals

    • Get to know and apply methods of successful innovation management
    • From the idea to the innovation - an active journey through the innovation process on the basis of a case study
    • Get to know and use several tools per phase
    • Understanding customer needs and integrating them into the development of new products/services
  • Course organization

    • Three-day curriculum of input and practice
    • Focus on the practical application of methods from the field of Innovation Management (Business Model Innovation, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Open Innovation) on a dedicated practical example
  • Program USP

    From the idea to the innovation - an active journey through the innovation process on the basis of a case study applying different methods.

  • Methods

    • Business Model Innovation
    • Design Thinking
    • Lean Startup
    • Open Innovation
  • Course contents

    Get to know and apply the range of successful innovation methods in various topic blocks:

    Design Thinking:
    Develop better product and service offerings by focusing on the needs of potential customers or users:

    • Interactive learning of the 6 phases and the design thinking values
    • Solving a design challenge in an interdisciplinary team


    Make your business model fit for the future and adapt your products and services to changing conditions:

    • Understand the importance of business models in the age of digitization
    • Describe/challenge business models with the help of the Business Model Canvas
    • Test the interaction with Design Thinking

    Lean Start Up:

    Develop new offerings in close collaboration with target customers. Using feedback loops, a product is tested at an early stage and with little effort and improved until it has become a product that meets customer needs:

    • Get to know Lean-Start-Up methods and success factors
    • Validate hypotheses
    • Build and test prototypes in the form of minimally functional products

    Open Innovation:

    Discover the power of the masses in developing and improving product and service offerings:

    • Understand the added value of swarm intelligence
    • Open Innovation as digital support for a successful innovation program
    • Invite customers on a co-innovation journey

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Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is considered to be one of the leading institutions of its kind in Germany and is continuously ranked as Germany’s #1.


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