
Mannheim Full-Time MBA

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One Year to Power the Career of a Lifetime

A career in top management right in the heart of the German and European economy? You have come to the right place. Gain the management knowledge, entrepreneurial mindset, leadership and critical thinking skills, global outlook and industry connections you need to excel in our intense, one-year MBA program. Choose Germany’s number one business school and the MBA with the best ROI worldwide for your once-in-a-lifetime experience and enjoy the benefits of working closely with our excellent faculty, highly diverse participants and experienced executives from top companies. Immerse yourself in the vibrant business culture and take the most direct route to success!

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Key Facts

Program Start

September 2025

Program Duration

12 – 15 months


Mannheim, Germany

Number of Participants

Up to 60

Tuition Fee


Application Deadlines

November 30, January 31, March 31, April 30, July 31


Best ranked MBA in Germany

Successful Employment

95% accepted a job offer three months after graduating; 43% switched country, role and industry; More than 80% work in Germany after graduation


“I feel I now have the tools to better manage projects and people, and I have learned to communicate more effectively with my colleagues. I also discovered many tools for strategy and innovation management that I use in my everyday work, and I love to go back to my folders and read my notes from my year in Mannheim. It was an entire year dedicated to both personal and professional growth, and I loved it.” 

Eilyn Meneses Villabona, Senior Market Strategy Manager EIMEA, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Mannheim MBA Class of 2014

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I have a technical background and I wanted to improve my ability to properly manage projects and drive innovation. I knew I wanted to do an MBA for a long time, and Mannheim for me was more than a top business school in Europe – it was an opportunity to learn a new culture and language, and to be exposed to one of Europe’s strongest and most diverse economies. MBS also has a broad network of innovative and established companies, and the program includes the opportunity to be exposed to and work for these companies for the final Business Master Project.

The Mannheim Full-Time MBA gave me the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds, nationalities and styles, which not only allowed me to grow from the international experience, but also to learn from the different management styles.I feel I now have the tools to better manage projects and people, and I have learned to communicate more effectively with my colleagues. I also discovered many tools for strategy and innovation management that I use in my everyday work, and I love to go back to my folders and read my notes from my year in Mannheim. It was an entire year dedicated to both personal and professional growth, and I loved it.

Before joining MBS, I thought I had international experience, having worked in an international and multicultural company… I could not have been more wrong. Working in another country with 23 nationalities, diverse group assignments, and a broad spectrum of personalities every day obliges you to jump out of your comfort zone and develop the empathy and the understanding you need to communicate better and to build strong working relationships with others. On the personal side, I gained friends that I will cherish for the rest of my life and learned to become a more understanding individual.

“There is time for everything if you get yourself organized. We did most of the sport and leisure activities as a group. Some colleagues trained several months, starting in spring time, for a rowing contest in Cologne that took place in July – they loaded a whole bus of Mannheimers to cheer them on that day. Going out for a beer with your best buddies fortunately did not require any planning or training.”

Pablo Gálvez, Vice President & BoM, Europe, South America, Middle East - Head of Sourcing, Supply Chain & Supplier Quality at PKC Group, Mannheim MBA Class of 2011

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The Survival Kit

The decision was made and before I came to Mannheim, all important organizational issues were taken care of, requiring just a little cooperation from my side. The MBS Program Management Team stands for quality and responsiveness. I have rarely experienced dealing with such an effective, diligent and friendly team. Financial aid: MBS gave me the option to get a loan from a financial institution in cooperation with the school. Of course there was some paperwork to do, but I was continuously supported by MBS. The conditions were fair. Residence Permit: As a European I didn't require a residence permit but this was something which MBS helped my colleagues with. It is always a hassle to go through bureaucracy, just like anywhere else. Apartment: In advance, I was provided with the guidelines for student apartments including pictures, prices and services. Within only one week, I had the contract for my apartment. For 390€ per month, everything was included: water, heat, electricity, high speed internet and cable TV access. Of course, this was not a 5 star hotel but to me it was Mannhamas! It was really warm in the winter when it was snowing outside and - thanks to good isolation- pretty chilly during summertime. The apartment was full of light, with a large window and a door window leading to a shared balcony. The Rhine river was located only a couple of meters away. The internet connection was totally reliable through the entire year. Videoconferences via skype or watching the Champions League via streaming was not an issue - perfect quality. Besides, I had a little kitchen with simply everything, a private  bathroom, and cable TV. MBS was only a 15-minute walk away. Food: Food in Germany, especially in Mannheim, is very cheap if you come from any other Western European country or North America. During the week, I typically had lunch at the University dining hall (Mensa) for 2,50€ (soup, salad and main dish), but sometimes I got a bit more fancy and ordered a menu at a restaurant (German, Indian, Japanese, Thai, Italian...) for only a couple of Euros more! It only took me a couple of minutes in order to walk to all these lovely restaurants. There were a lot of supermarkets, too, which were quite cheap and offered good quality!

First Days, First Week

I arrived at Mannheim a couple of days before the program started. I had spoken with several students (the MBS Program Management provided me with contact details of current MBA students and everyone was immediately available for me with answers about the program, living in Mannheim, etc.) and I knew I would be fine. During those days,I decided to go for a run by the Rhine river and walked through a  lovely park. It was just beautiful to go running, biking, and rollerblade skating. Soon I was sitting in the MBS Lecture Hall attending classes. The first week was an introductory one: We gained access to iConn (interface platform for students, program management, and professors) and access to wireless internet across the entire University of Mannheim. We got our student ID card in order to be able to access MBS buildings and libraries, we took professional pictures for the profile book, had a kick-off dinner with the entire class, worked on business case studies, attended workshops, and were divided into Multi Competence Teams. There were some fun ice-breakers and a cross-cultural training with interesting personalities from all over the wolrd: China, India, Russia, USA, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Belgium, Great Britain, Turkey, Pakistan, Spain - wow!

Second Week, Buckle Up

The intensity of the program varied each week. There were really tough days, on which I had to catch up with lectures and case studies during the week as well as long nights of little sleep, during which I studied, prepared a case study or a presentation. On average, I had classes from  9.00 am to 6.00 pm (lectures) plus several hours of group work almost every day. But in the end, this was a worthwhile investment. There were also fun times: Lots of jokes, laughing, coffee breaks, or having pizza for dinner with my team mates. Classes officially started at the beginning of the second week with a lecture about Decision Analysis.

First Semester

The first semester seemed to be less intense than the rest. However, we had to get used to the system, the new people and dynamics first of all. Furthermore, we had to dedicate much time in order to really dig into fundamental subjects such as Financial Accounting, Marketing, Managerial Accounting, Corporate Finance, or Macroeconomics. I enjoyed these subjects very much with very insightful and down-to-earth lectures that gave me a solid ground for the upcoming ones. Company presentations and business forums already started in the first semester. Leading international companies visited us during the whole year, it was a great chance to start networking. Other highlights were: A big party in November after our first exams, Glühwein to warm up in December, delicious chocolate crêpes to get some sugar after the demanding semester, dinner together with all colleagues to say goodbye to 2010 and the end of our first semester.

Second Semester

The good thing about the second semester was that the intensity did not vary anymore, it was intense the whole time! Lectures from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm every single day plus daily group work (case studies one after another including presentations every week until the end of June) as the subjects are running weekly at full capacity. However, in this semester I had Strategy, Information Systems, Organizational Behavior & Change Management, Ethics & CSR, Innovation Management, Company Valuation, Consumer Behavior - subjects that were easier for me to grasp. Even though each week was an intense one, we had a couple of weeks off since I had not taken certain elective subjects. This gave me the opportunity to rest a bit, finish late assignments and prepare for te upcoming weeks. The best thing was the number of guest speakers (business professionals - executives) that professors invited for lectures. They gave excellent speeches and presentations. I will never forget one evening during Consumer Behavior in March, it was still cold outside, when I was listening to an executive from Saatchi & Saatchi speaking about their Lovemarks Model, of how products, services or organizations that build relationships with their consumers cannot be explained rationally, but create loyalty beyond reason. The whole class was completely in silence and absorbed. We had many lectures like this one: a turn-around case in the toy industry in the midst of the financial crisis (Strategy); the dilemma of expatriates when sent abroad for several years (Change Management); how the executive board of a multinational made decisions during the crisis literally throwing business plans to the garbage to focus on their liquidity (cash position, or blood as it is said); the ethical dilemmas that a Top Manager faces when having tremendous power (Ethics & CSR) - oh how I loved doing the MBA! Having decided on what to do as our Social Project, it was already  time to start working seriously on this issue. We were going to help an NGO by providing them with plans to be more efficient in reaching out people and help them execute on it.

Third Semester

This semester was still very intense. On the one hand, we had subjects such as HR Management, Corporate Mergers & Restructuring, Global Information Management, International Marketing, Production Operations, Strategy Global Corporations, and Taxation - with exams, presentations, and case studies. Again, all of them were incredibly interesting topics with open discussions in class, in addition with guest speakers almost every week during lectures. On the other hand, it was time for all MCTs to do the Company Project as well as the Social Project. Attending presentations and preparing well for the Company Project was important as we knew we would be intensively working with the companies for two months. By this time, if not even earlier, many of us were working on our CVs and preparing for job interviews. We were attending MBA fairs, job fairs, company presentations, and optional company visits to Porsche, BASF, or Amazon. In this semester I finally started seeing the finish line. Time was moving fast and I knew that this great year would be over soon. Until then, I celebrated it at the Biergarten, enjoying the good weather and drinking some beer with my class mates!

Company Project & Master Thesis

I thought I would be able to slow down and work on my applications for the time after my MBA - but no! After attending school for 10 to 12 hours a day and then switching to the Company Project and the Master Thesis, my MCT and I thought we would have all the time in the world. Yes indeed, we had all the time in the world working on the project and the thesis. It was tough and demanding. The Business Master Project turned out to be a consulting project. For two months, we worked hand in hand with a leading company (market leaders such as: Deutsche Bank, A.T. Kerney, TRUMPF, SAP, BASF, Heraeus, BOSCH, BMW, etc.) developing a Lead Indicator Management System to anticipate market movements and therefore enable them to steer the company more effectively. The CEO came to the intermediate presentation (8,000 employees worldwide) and the Board of Management attended the final presentation. Management in the UK took a flight to Germany for the presentation that day, so yeah, the project was taken very seriously.

The Campus

Everything is within reach at Mannheim Business School. We attended classes in two different MBS buildings: The MBS Lecture Hall at Mannheim Palace (Schloss Mannheim) and one at Dalbergplatz (Education Center Dalbergplatz), right at the heart of Mannheim downtown. With our ID cards we had access to University libraries and multiple quiet places to study, but we could also study at MBS facilities.

Time for Everything

Whether you want to play soccer, go swimming, go to the gym (free for students), play tennis or basketball, play cricket or go skiing - there is time for everything if you get yourself organized. We did most of the sport and leisure activities as a group. We managed to play indoor soccer almost every week and participated in a fun soccer tournament in Leipzig against other business schools and companies across Europe. Some colleagues trained several months, starting in spring time, for a rowing contest in Cologne that took place in July - they loaded a whole bus of Mannheimers to cheer them on that day. Thirty of us, including the program management, participated in the Mannheim marathon, which takes place every year. Going out for a beer with your best buddies fortunately did not require any planning nor training.

How difficult is to find a job in Germany without speaking German?

I distinguish between finding a job and already having a job/working. Finding a job in Germany with absolutely no German skills is, of course, difficult. I would say that it is as difficult as it is in any other country where you do not speak the language. The good news is  that finding a job in Germany with intermediate German skills is relatively easy if you meet the background and experience requirements (and of course you are genuinely motivated to continue improving). Once a German company offers you a job, chances are good that you will stay in that company - if you want to. Working in Germany, however, is easier compared  to other countries, because German companies are very open, very international and they all pretty much speak English. Still, speaking German is a must. I took advantage of the German courses offered for free by MBS and attended two different levels for 9 months. This required some energy, but in the end, you do not only have an MBA degree, but also German skills. Take it seriously!  

Why do you do an MBA?

"To learn" you may say. Good! To learn, not to be taught. Although the lecture standards are pretty high, the diversity at MBS in terms of nationalities, backgrounds and experience is huge and needs to be balanced. My advice: You are in the driver seat and should be responsible for your learning experience. The professors will teach you something, but the learning process itself takes place within you. Go the extra mile, deepen your knowledge, ask tons of questions, research for pure pleasure even if something is not part of the exam but simply interests you personally. Start sending out CVs soon enough (March-April). I have been there and it takes time; an MBA is not the Master of the Universe. Be disciplined when it comes to learning German, this will be the the factor of differentiation. Discipline weighs ounces, regrets weigh tons. Be aware that Germans are very respectful and will switch to English for you at any time, but this does not help you. Broaden your horizon!

“It was a memorable year full of friendships, events, minor difficulties and some really good times. The teachers at MBS obviously imparted first-class academic and business knowledge, but the network I built during my year in Mannheim is even more important.” 

Nishant Mittal, Team Lead at Mercedes Benz AG, Mannheim Full-Time MBA, Class of 2018

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I had reached a point in my career where the major part of my work was business related. There were a few instances where I felt the lack of marketing, finance, and other business-specific knowledge. Also, I wanted international exposure. Learning to manage people and teams was my next personal milestone for which I wanted to put myself in an environment where I could get maximum exposure to different cultures.

The MBA at Mannheim Business School offers all of the above. When choosing a business school, I compared various criteria such as international MBA rankings, the internationality of the classes, and location. I was looking for a country with a good job market, where I could see myself living and get a good return on my investment. Mannheim Business School came out on top.

I was interested in the automotive industry and the Mannheim MBA gave me an opportunity to apply for a job in this sector. It worked! Not only did I move into my industry of choice, I also moved to a new country. The MBS Career Development journey provided a very useful orientation right from the start since I was new to Germany and had no prior experience, both of hiring processes and what recruiters look for here. I tried various options in my job search. Running them by the Career Development department saved me a lot of mistakes and time. Their guidance was essential.

It was a memorable year full of friendships, events, minor difficulties and some really good times. The teachers at MBS obviously imparted first-class academic and business knowledge, but the network I built during my year in Mannheim is even more important. For me personally, the best part of my year at Mannheim Business School was spending time with people from so many different cultures.

I have learned so much about people’s behavior and working styles that I now feel way more comfortable working alongside people from across the globe. This has already helped me in my current job, especially because I am and will be working on various projects in different locations in Germany, UK, USA, Japan, and China in the first two years.

“The best thing the MBA equipped me for was working with different cultures and nationalities. With each assigned team, it was a different process of finding the right balance. That is something that can only be experienced, and I cannot think of any other opportunity I could have had in my life where I could interact intensely with that many different nationalities.”

Bharati Malar Periasamy, Salesforce Consultant at NTT Global Data Centers EMEA, Mannheim MBA Class of 2016

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I had been working in market research for five and a half years when I realized that I wanted to be more involved in the “next stages” of what I was doing, i.e., marketing. Research showed that marketing is highly competitive and experience is practically a prerequisite, but, as I did not want to start from scratch and lose more than five years’ work experience, I decided to do an MBA.

I had already learned German years ago and figured that doing an MBA and working in Germany could be a possible option for me. The bonus was that I could keep in touch with the language – I was rapidly losing fluency in it without the opportunity for practice.

I began to research business schools in Germany and MBS was top of all the lists in rankings. Then I found a personal contact who was an MBS alumnus and picked his brain. Once satisfied with my research, I never looked back. In fact, I waited an extra year, just so I could go to MBS.

Before joining, I was a little apprehensive of the master thesis being a group project. I can say with certainty now that it makes complete sense. All that group work throughout the year equips you for work in the real world, where one very rarely works individually. Being dependent on others for an important goal pushes one to motivate and bolster the team, and not to work in silos, because, at the end of the day, their work also reflects on you.

While I certainly do not apply all the numerous tools, models, and case-study lessons on a daily basis at work (that is not how they are meant to be applied anyway), it is always a nice moment when I can draw the link between a topic being discussed at work and an MBA tool that applies to the situation. It usually brings a different perspective to the table.

The Social Sustainability Project and Business Master Project were the most significant experiences for me. The satisfaction of seeing the final outcome is immense, especially knowing that everything started off with hasty scribbles on flipcharts and whiteboards, unstructured and messy, but never lacking in enthusiasm or absolute confidence! The journey of refinement, trial and error, group dynamics and simply learning together was what made my MBA experience worth it.

In my opinion, the best thing the MBA equipped me for was working with different cultures and nationalities. For someone who did not have much global experience, it was at first unnerving to be thrust into a multinational team and to gauge how to best proceed to ensure we got to our goal and best utilized our strengths. With each assigned team, it was a different process of finding the right balance. That is something that can only be experienced, and I cannot think of any other opportunity I could have had in my life where I could interact intensely with that many different nationalities.

Country Ambassadors

Country Ambassadors

If you are seeking first-hand insights into the transformative power of a Mannheim degree, our MBS Country Ambassadors are the perfect calling point for you. Alumni from all around the world provide you with the opportunity to easily establish a connection to the Mannheim network and talk to someone who has already done the journey you are about to embark on. Already, there are more than 100 Country ambassadors on our website!

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Ranking Highlights

Global MBA Ranking

#1 in Germany (3-year average) 

MBA Ranking (Non U.S.)

#1 in Germany // #9 overall

Best B-Schools Ranking

#1 in Germany // #7 in Europe

Global MBA Ranking

#1 in Germany // #5 in Europe // #25 worldwide

Key Benefits

The perfect launchpad for the German job market: Mannheim graduates are extremely employable

World-class teaching provided by internationally recognized faculty members

High-caliber network: Benefit from a vibrant and global network throughout your career from the very first day of your studies

Leadership workshop to hone your leadership skills and boost your confidence

Excellent value for money: Best ROI worldwide according to the QS Global MBA Ranking 2023/24




Class Profile


Mannheim MBA participants represent the core values of our school in terms of diversity in work experience, cultural background and breadth of educational experience. Our participants are on average 31 years of age and have already worked seven years after earning their first degree. The 50 to 60 participants per class come from countries around the world and 37% are female. How do you compare?

The Mannheim MBA Experience

Take the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Be prepared for a rigorous academic and hands-on program that fills your days with lectures, case studies, assignments, presentations and readings on all aspects of general management, sustainability in particular. And the challenge does not end here: for the duration of the program, you will be assigned to a heterogeneous group of classmates to form one of our Multi-Competence Teams. Together, you will tackle the critical elements of the program, drawing on the diverse skills, viewpoints and knowledge of each person. Between your courses and group work, you will also have time to enjoy the lively university life around Mannheim Palace.

During your MBA, you will meet executives from up to 100 companies, from global leaders to hidden champions, through to fast-growing start-ups. Around 50% of the major German companies are located within a 250-kilometer radius of Mannheim and the city is home to a vibrant start-up ecosystem.

It will take absolute commitment to get the full benefit of this year. But you will graduate a better leader prepared to take the next step in your career, with loyal friends and membership in a global network of Mannheimers!

Further information


Career development support from day one for as long as you need it, even after graduation.

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Includes all aspects of general management and cutting-edge electives to broaden your scope.

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Lifelong learning, contacts, job offers, events and so much more. Become a #MannheimerForLife.

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The application process, deadlines, scholarships and what we look for in a candidate.

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Upcoming Information Events

24. Oct 2024

Meet us at the QS Connect MBA Fall event in Frankfurt! Our admissions team will…

07. Nov 2024

Get ready for your application!

07. Dec 2024

Join us via Zoom for a one hour interactive MBA lecture in Marketing with our…


Arrange an online consulting session or campus tour with the Full-Time MBA Admissions Manager

If you are wondering whether your profile matches our criteria or you would like to visit our campus, please get in touch with our Admissions Manager Sofia Syed Nasir. She will then set up an appointment with you for a preliminary CV check or a private campus tour.

Germany’s Economic Powerhouse


Mannheim Business School, Our Campus and the Mannheim Region

A region with immense economic and innovative power, one of the best universities in Europe and a global network with the brightest minds. This is the winning combination that shapes the Mannheim experience. Not surprisingly, on average more than 80% of our participants live and work in Germany after graduation.

Information for Participants Coming to Germany: We provide helpful information to ensure a smooth move to Germany and that you hit the ground running.

“Make it in Germany”: All the information you will need about living and working in Germany, on a single website provided by the Federal Government.

Fill In Our Online Application Form

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Contact Person

Sharifah Sofia Syed Nasir
Admissions Manager Mannheim Full-Time MBA
Get in touch with us

We invite you to gain a personal impression of Mannheim Business School by a personal orientation
consultation. We kindly ask you to check the information available on the webpage before getting in touch with
us. If you are interested please register, we will contact you.

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I agree that Mannheim Business School stores my personal data in order to inform and advise me going forward of news and the benefits of the programs of Mannheim Business School, also via e-mail or phone and our sales newsletter. Consent may be revoked at any time with future effect.

Quick Links

Questions? Here are some FAQs.

Do you want to apply? Find more information on the process here and the necessary documents here.


  • Mannheim Full-Time MBA Payment Information
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  • Mannheim Full-Time MBA Tax Tip
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  • MBA Employment Report 2020
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  • Factsheet Mannheim Full-Time MBA
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  • MBA Employment Report 2021
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  • Mannheim Full-Time MBA Examination Regulations EN
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  • Mannheim Full-Time MBA Prüfungsordnung DE
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  • Guidelines for the Crediting of Professional Competencies
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  • Application Form for the Crediting of Professional Competencies
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  • Attachment for the Crediting of Professional Competencies
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  • MBA Employment Report 2022
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  • MBA Employment Report 2024
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Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is considered to be one of the leading institutions of its kind in Germany and is continuously ranked as Germany’s #1.


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