
Mannheim Executive MBA (Part-Time)

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Redefine Your Leadership

Do you want to take the next step in your career and transition into a more senior leadership position? Do you want to grow your network to include the brightest minds in one of Germany’s most powerful and innovative business regions? Are you ready to reflect on your leadership style and take the necessary steps to develop as a person and a leader? Then the Mannheim Executive MBA is the right option for you. One of the best programs of its kind in Europe, it will provide you with the comprehensive and in-depth preparation required to meet future top management challenges.

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Application for the program start in April 2025

Recruitment for the next intake in April 2025 will start in September 2024. An early-bird discount of EUR 4,500 will be available for those who apply by the end of December 2024. The final application deadline will be February 28, 2025. Admission to the program is done on a rolling basis. Please note that there is only one intake each year in AprilWe recommend a pre-check of your profile based on a submitted CV and a personal consultation online, before starting the application process. Selection interviews take place online.


Arrange an online consultation with the Mannheim Executive MBA Admissions Manager

If you are wondering whether your profile matches our criteria (or if you would like to visit our campus,) please get in touch with our Admissions Manager Nilgün Vatansever. She will then set up a nonbinding consultation call with you for a preliminary CV check and to discuss your motivation for joining the program.

Key Benefits of the Mannheim Executive MBA

Get an excellent value for money

Benefit from professors of one of the best business faculties in the world

Gain up-to-date knowledge in all relevant management disciplines 

Choose from a range of electives that are adjusted to current issues and trends 

Acquire new tools and concepts readily applicable to the challenges of your job 

Grow as a leader and boost your personal development through coaching and self-reflection

Benefit from a flexible and convenient curriculum tailored to the needs of busy executives, and the frequent interaction with your classmates and professors

Attend the Mannheim Series for Executives after graduation 

Be inspired by the valuable and lasting high-caliber MBS network comprising local and international business partners, participants and alumni

Refine your professional profile and increase your versatility and value to your employer


  • 95 % are in a senior leadership position
  • 73,5 % increase in salary (on average three years after graduation)
  • 65 % of all participants changed jobs
  • 95% would recommend the program to a colleague or friend
  • 70 % say they reached all of their goals

Download the impact report here.



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Further Information

Program Structure

What makes the Mannheim EMBA so unique? And what are the pillars of the program concept?

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The Curriculum

What are the program elements and what do they comprise?

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Class Profile

Learn more about your future peers and the diverse composition of our classes.


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Personal & Leadership Development

How can I benefit from the Mannheim Executive MBA – personally and as an executive?

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Alumni Network

Why is our unique Alumni Network such a successful and rewarding environment for you and your peers?

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Application and Admission

What are the prerequisites for admission? And what is the admissions procedure?

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Which scholarships are on offer and how do I apply?

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What do our graduates say about their Executive MBA at Mannheim Business School?

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“The EMBA contributed to my professional growth by honing my leadership skills, fostering a global perspective and providing extensive networking opportunities. I gained expertise in diverse business functions, enhancing my competitiveness for executive roles. The program’s intensity fostered my personal development, resilience and effective time management. The EMBA experience equipped me with a strategic mindset, prepared me for a leadership role and provided an asset for navigating the complex challenges of the business world.”

Neeraj Kumar, Corporate Purchasing - Raw Materials Project Leader at MAHLE, Mannheim EMBA Class of 2023

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I decided to apply for the Mannheim Executive MBA because I want to achieve a leading position in the upper echelons of the industry. My higher aspiration is to be in a position where I can establish and take the industry to an advanced stage, and my organization can easily be the leader in its area of influence. 

In the past, I led a European team at one of the biggest automotive suppliers in the world with a very high purchasing volume. I led my group in the best possible way, but I felt that something was missing, preventing me from leading the team even better. This gave me the idea to invest in my future and learn the management tools from a world-class business school. 

The EMBA program of Mannheim Business School had the qualities that best fit my expectations and objectives. Having gone through the program brochure and curriculum, I felt that it was the best institution for me to develop general managerial and communication skills. 

Getting into the program 

I started the application process at the very last moment, just a few days before the deadline, when one of my friends said that he is going to do an EMBA at Mannheim Business School. I spent long nights working intensively on my application. My wife and my father helped me a lot when I was not sure whether I was preparing properly and whether my essays were delivering the message I wanted to convey. Thanks to my previous managers, I got the recommendation letters very quickly. 

To make sure that my decision for MBS was right, I talked to current participants and alumni. But this is me: before I take a big decision, I invest a lot of time and try to gather as much information as possible. The MBS team was very friendly and helpful throughout the process. From the start, I felt like I belonged at MBS. They always answered promptly and were never irritated by my many questions. 

When I was accepted to the program, I wanted to tell the whole world, “I am going to do an EMBA at the best business school in Germany!” I told my wife and called my parents, I even posted it on LinkedIn. I was very excited and happy. In 2005, I had already been accepted for an MBA at a business school in London, but my visa was rejected, so I was a bit worried again. When I heard that I was accepted, it was at first hard to believe. It was like my dream had finally come true. 

Making friends and unforgettable memories 

Before meeting my classmates for the first time, I was excited and a bit insecure because I knew that many of them came from top European companies and worked at more senior levels (like vice president). As non-Germans, we always have an element of bias. But to be honest, after the introduction session I immediately felt like I was part of a family. MBS has a unique introduction method which helped me to integrate in the team very quickly. A few of my classmates whom I know from the very first day are now my best friends. Simply amazing. 

My personal program highlights were the study trip to Washington, D.C., and getting vocal coaching from Michael Sheehan, one of America’s leading communications trainers and strategists, who coached presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on how to step into and conduct themselves in the media and public spotlight. I still remember the moment I asked him if I could take a photo with him and he put his hand on my shoulder, saying, “Yes, of course.” 

What a lecture weekend looks like 

Friday: Normal job from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., video team meeting and group work from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Quick dinner, then bedtime. 

Saturday: Wake up at 5:30 a.m., shower, leave home at 6:45 a.m. for a one-and-a-half-hour drive to Mannheim in time for the lecture starting at 8:45 a.m. and keep going until 6:15 p.m. After lectures, walk to the hotel, check in and get some dinner. Return to the hotel at around 10 p.m., talk to my wife and then go to sleep. 

Sunday: Wake up at 6:45 a.m., talk to my parents in India, take a shower, eat a protein bar, talk with my daughter, then walk to the classroom for lectures from 8:45 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Walk back to my parking place and drive back to Stuttgart, hoping to get home before my daughter’s bedtime. 

This degree is also my wife’s 

I missed many important events, including my and my wife’s cousins’ weddings. I wasn’t there for my daughter’s first dance performance on stage. It was tough but my wife helped a lot. I think, without her it would not have been possible. She took on all the household tasks and cared for our daughter along with her job. I am very thankful and lucky to have her on my side. Therefore, I say that this is not only my EMBA but hers too. I got a degree, but she didn’t. I think we can’t do anything big if we don’t have the right partner who supports us. 

It is hard to imagine for people who have not done it, but I can tell you from my experience that it is worth it even though it’s hard, because at the end you are a much better version of yourself. If you did it, you can survive and perform in any condition. Germany’s Nietzsche famously wrote “Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker” (what does not kill me makes me stronger), and I strongly believe it. 

Summing up 

The EMBA from Mannheim contributed to my professional growth by honing my leadership skills, fostering a global perspective and providing extensive networking opportunities. I gained expertise in diverse business functions, enhancing my competitiveness for executive roles. 

The program’s intensity fostered my personal development, resilience and effective time management. At MBS I learned how to get things done. The EMBA experience equipped me with a strategic mindset, prepared me for a leadership role and provided an asset for navigating the complex challenges of the business world. I hope to find a suitable role soon where I can use all I learned. 

I also benefit from a robust professional network. I love networking, meeting new, quality people, and the Mannheim Network is full of such people. I am never alone. If I need any information, I am just one WhatsApp message away from my cohort. 

It also helped me grow my visibility on LinkedIn. Before the EMBA, I had around 7,000 followers on LinkedIn and now I have more than 22,000. Learning from the MBS Network made me even more confident. 

Professionally, I am looking for a suitable role, which I hope will come soon. In comparison with the US, the Executive MBA is not very well known yet in Germany, but I think that will change soon because Germany cannot stand in the world market with only technology and general management as the basis for corporate success.

“Reflecting on the EMBA journey, I can affirm thatits impact on both my professional and personal development has been profound. When I applied for the program, I was hoping to take my corporate career to the next level. However, as I delved into the depths of the program, acquiring a comprehensive 360-degree view of the business landscape, something transformative happened. The Strategic Business Project not only broadened my expertise but ignited a strong desire to embrace a more holistic approach to my professional journey. I found myself drawn to the dynamic challenges and endless possibilities of building something from the ground up."

Johanna Bröll, Co-Founder and CEO Carbonsate, Mannheim Executive MBA Class of 2021

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What were your personal highlights and the most challenging moments of the program?

The program was marked by several personal highlights that significantly enriched my experience. The study trip to Bocconi, focusing on leading under uncertainty, stands out as an excellent and enlightening program. Additionally, the leadership training in France provided invaluable insights into my personal blind spots, while the innovation class sparked a new perspective on creative problem-solving. Developing an app and delving into basic coding added a practical and fulfilling dimension to my skill set.

However, there were challenges, with a notable lowlight being the program coinciding with the Covid lockdown. As the weekend-based format evolved during this period, I often found myself, after a week of remote work in my demanding day job, spending additional days in front of my screen. The virtual nature of all group work intensified the situation, leading to Zoom fatigue and a sense of being chained to the screen. It was a significant contrast to what I had hoped for when I signed up just before the Covid pandemic, adding a layer of extra stress. Despite this challenge, the program’s highlights ultimately outweighed the lowlights, contributing significantly to my overall growth and learning experience.

The Strategic Project has evolved into your own company. Did you consider such a possibility when you started the program?

When I applied for the program, I was hoping to take my corporate career to the next level. The thought of it evolving into my very own company wasn’t even on my radar. However, as I delved into the depths of the program, acquiring a comprehensive 360-degree view of the business landscape, something transformative happened.

The Strategic Business Project not only broadened my expertise but ignited a strong desire to embrace a more holistic approach to my professional journey. It was during this intense experience that my passion for entrepreneurship was sparked. I found myself drawn to the dynamic challenges and endless possibilities of building something from the ground up.

This discovery became the cornerstone of my considerations, eventually steering me towards a decision that initially wasn’t part of the plan – to become an impact entrepreneur. The evolution from a strategic business project to founding a climate-tech startup was an unexpected but incredibly rewarding twist in my career path, fueled by the insights and inspirations gleaned from the program.

Looking back, how has the EMBA helped you in your professional and personal development and career?

Reflecting on the EMBA journey, I can affirm that its impact on both my professional and my personal development has been profound.

Firstly, the EMBA experience has been invaluable in developing a more holistic view of business. The program’s comprehensive curriculum and diverse perspectives have broadened my understanding, allowing me to navigate the complexities of the business landscape with a more well-rounded approach.

From a leadership standpoint, the EMBA has been a transformative journey. Exposure to a wide range of leadership styles, case studies and collaborative assignments has provided me with a multifaceted leadership perspective. This diverse exposure has not only honed my leadership skills but also equipped me with the capability to tackle challenges from various angles.

One of the most significant outcomes has been the boost in my confidence. Through its rigorous curriculum and interactive learning environment, the EMBA has empowered me to approach professional challenges with newfound assurance. The combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience has contributed to greater self-assurance, enhancing my decision-making and leadership abilities. Exposure to new situations has played a pivotal role in my personal and professional growth, expanding my adaptability and resilience. These experiences have not only enriched my skill set but also shaped me into a more versatile and confident professional.

Also, the program has been a catalyst for changing my thinking in many ways. The exposure to cutting-edge concepts, real-world applications and dynamic discussions has shifted my mindset. I now approach problems with a more strategic and innovative perspective, constantly seeking opportunities for growth and improvement.

In essence, the EMBA has been an incredible journey that has not only elevated my professional capabilities but also left an everlasting mark on my personal and leadership development.

What role does the MBS Network play for you personally and professionally?

The MBS Network holds a significant role for me, both personally and professionally. While the concept of a strong professional network was always emphasized, its practical importance became crystal clear when I founded my own company. Suddenly faced with numerous challenges and the need for insights into unfamiliar territory, the MBS Network proved to be an invaluable resource.

The network’s strength lies in its responsiveness and willingness to help. Whether it was information, solutions to challenges or introductions to relevant contacts that I was seeking, the Mannheim Network consistently exceeded my expectations. The collaborative ethos within the community is genuinely impressive, turning potential obstacles into shared successes.

On a personal note, the program not only expanded my professional connections but also introduced me to individuals who have become lasting friends. The shared experience of the program has not only enriched my career but also created a network of genuine connections, extending beyond professional collaboration to a community of like-minded individuals.

“This whirlwind adventure has been nothing short of a thrilling roller-coaster ride. From intense classroom lectures led by seasoned industry professors to engaging in thought-provoking case studies, stimulating group discussions, and inspiring presentations within our cohort, every moment has been a valuable learning experience. As we close this chapter, I step into the future armed with knowledge, experience, and an invaluable network. Here's to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead!”

Deva Prasanna Nandyala, Principal - Solution Architect/Consultant at Aras Corporation, Mannheim Executive MBA Class of 2023

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Reflecting on the journey, there are numerous noteworthy moments to mention, yet here are some of the standout highlights:

Intense Classroom Lectures: We delved deep into various management subjects, broadening our horizons. Each class offered a wealth of knowledge deeper understanding of Management styles and attributes. Strategic Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Marketing Management, Corporate Finance, Decision Analysis, Mergers & Acquisitions to name but a few.

OutdoorLeadership Training in France: An unforgettable experience that strengthened our bonds, teaching us the essence of teamwork and leadership attributes.

Social Project Sonnenkinder: We discovered the importance of empathy and giving back to society – essential qualities of effective leaders.

Group Assignments: Learning how to navigate team dynamics while delivering results with multi-competency teams was a memorable journey. Special thanks to my MCT for their unwavering support!

Study Trips to the USA and Singapore: These study trips exposed us to diverse business cultures, geopolitics, negotiation practices, and regional business protocols.

Strategic Business Project: An all-encompassing overview of startup business, spanning from ideation to market research, business strategy, and financials. A big shoutout to my SBP team for their continuous support!

EMBA Cohort: Finally, our cohort was nothing short of amazing. We shared experiences, learned from each other, formed lasting friendships, and celebrated successes together. Everyone's eagerness to learn something new was truly inspiring.

As we close this chapter, I step into the future armed with knowledge, experience, and an invaluable network. Here's to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead! 

“This Executive MBA program has been a game-changer, not only expanding my horizons but also providing me with practical tools and strategies to excel in my career. As I reflect on the last 18 months, I am amazed at how much I've grown both professionally and personally. I've learned to embrace challenges, think critically, adapt to an ever-changing business landscape, and appreciate the richness of global perspectives. As I reflect on this chapter, I am deeply humbled by the incredible network of people who have touched my life during this journey. Together, we've created memories, expanded our knowledge, and built a foundation for an exciting future.”

Raghav Oberoi, PhD, Associate Director, Process Science Lead at CSL Behring, Mannheim Executive MBA Class of 2023

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18 months ago, I embarked on this incredible adventure with a thirst for knowledge, personal growth, and a drive to enhance my business & leadership skills. It's been an intense and rewarding experience, filled with late nights, group projects, insightful discussions, and unforgettable friendships. This Executive MBA program has been a game-changer, not only expanding my horizons but also providing me with practical tools and strategies to excel in my career. One of the highlights has undoubtedly been the study trips to Georgetown University McDonough School of Business and ESSEC Asia-Pacific. These immersive experiences have taken me to diverse corners of the world, allowing me to witness first-hand the global business landscape and its intricacies. I want to express my deepest gratitude to my professors, classmates, mentors and most importantly my family who have been a constant source of inspiration and support throughout this journey. Your wisdom and guidance have been invaluable.
As I reflect on the last 18 months, I am amazed at how much I've grown both professionally and personally. I've learned to embrace challenges, think critically, adapt to an ever-changing business landscape, and appreciate the richness of global perspectives. As I reflect on this chapter, I am deeply humbled by the incredible network of people who have touched my life during this journey. Together, we've created memories, expanded our knowledge, and built a foundation for an exciting future. 
This is not the end; it's just the beginning of a new chapter. I am excited to apply what I've learned and the knowledge I've gained from all of you to drive innovation, lead teams, and make a positive impact in the business world.

"I think everything starts as a personal challenge; the simple fact of moving out of your comfort zone and realizing your dream is already a major success. The EMBA gives your more than the theory; it is the experience of meeting superheroes and superwomen."

Ada Salas, Mannheim EMBA Class of 2016

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Some of us were driven by fear of not knowing if the EMBA was a good choice, people out there may have asked ’why’? Others, ‘do you think that an EMBA will ensure success?’ I think everything starts as a personal challenge; the simple fact of moving out of your comfort zone and realizing your dream is already a major success.

The EMBA gives your more than the theory; it is the experience of meeting superheroes and superwomen. The weekends at MBS for the last 18 months have been hard but you have made them worth. Thanks to the superheroes for your kindness, professionalism, knowledge and before all for being gentlemen, and thanks to the superwomen for being a live example than women can reach high, making me realize that we did not come this far to stay this far, that it is just the beginning.

“The EMBA not only provided me with a theoretical knowledge of economics, but also broadened my mind and helped me to reflect on many topics relating to my career, my approach to work, and internationality. Managing extreme workloads and getting through tough times with night shifts during the EMBA after arduous days clearly prepared me for times of crisis like the current one. A ‘never give up’ attitude helps a lot in times like these. Besides that, in a crisis situation companies need leaders with good general management skills, people who are genuine and empathic. To help your company, you will need to be able to deal with a lot of different issues, for example safeguarding liquidity, reducing costs without destroying the company, but also reassuring the anxieties of your workforce, and winning back clients.”

Dr. Daniel Häußermann, Chairman of the Executive Board / CEO of ZECH Hochbau AG, Mannheim EMBA Alumnus 2016

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1. What is your professional background? Why did you decide to do an EMBA? Why did you choose the Weekend Track of the ESSEC & MANNHEIM Executive MBA (now: Mannheim Executive MBA)?

Following my studies in Law at the University of Tübingen and my PhD, I first started an ordinary career as a lawyer in a law firm before I joined the legal department of Bilfinger SE (at that time Bilfinger Berger AG). Over time, the company offered me the opportunity to develop my skills outside the original legal environment as Head of Mergers & Acquisitions and shortly thereafter also Head of Corporate Strategy. To support me in this career move and in stepping out of my comfort zone, an Executive MBA seemed to me the best way to learn and understand more about business models, strategy, and business analytics. The weekend-based Executive MBA at Mannheim Business School was my preferred option as already then it was the top program in Germany, and in terms of location it was the easiest to combine with my family of four kids and my challenging job in Mannheim.

2. What impact did the EMBA have on your career?

The EMBA not only provided me with a theoretical knowledge of economics, but also broadened my mind and helped me to reflect on many topics relating to my career, my approach to work, and internationality. Both the knowledge and the title I gained with the EMBA gave me the personal strength and validation I needed to step out of my initial profession and take on an operational role as CEO. In order to succeed in such a new role, you need to be open, ask questions, and build up trust. However, you also need to have the business tools ready to apply them in your job, and the EMBA helped me a lot in getting familiar with those tools. Of course, there were moments during the program when I wasn't sure whether I would be able to finish it – with all the challenges I was facing in my personal and working life at that time. But, as often in life, once you push through, you benefit even more from the experience and the confidence you get out of such an achievement.

3. What were some significant experiences that you took away with you from the program? What was your personal highlight?

For me personally, the classes in strategy, strategic leadership, and change management were absolute highlights. The residency at UCLA in Los Angeles was outstanding as the entrepreneurship we experienced there opened new horizons. The interaction with my international class mates with all their different backgrounds was a great experience as well, with friendships and a network that are still going strong today. 

4. How did the EMBA prepare you for dealing with crisis situations such as the current corona pandemic?

Managing extreme workloads and getting through tough times with night shifts during the EMBA after arduous days clearly prepared me for times of crisis like the current one. A ‘never give up’ attitude helps a lot in times like these. Besides that, in a crisis situation companies need leaders with good general management skills, people who are genuine and empathic. To help your company, you will need to be able to deal with a lot of different issues, for example safeguarding liquidity, reducing costs without destroying the company, but also reassuring the anxieties of your workforce, and winning back clients.

“In my new position, I benefit greatly from what I have learned in the last two years. In particular, I received positive feedback on my communication and leadership style. I learned a lot about myself through my fellow students. Working closely with very talented and bright people shows you exactly where you stand and where you still have room for improvement. The personal exchange in between and after classes has influenced me a lot.”

Rimm Elfu, Managing Director Intersurgical Beatmungsprodukte GmbH, Mannheim Executive MBA Class of 2019

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What is your personal and professional background? 

I was born in Eritrea and, due to the civil war between Eritrea and Ethiopia in 1984, came to Germany as a refugee. I started my professional education as an industrial manager (Industriekaufmann) at Coca-Cola and then studied sports sciences and psychology at Goethe University in Frankfurt. After graduation, I worked in sales for a start-up software company, looking after clients in the sports and medical industry. In 2011, I moved to TRACOE medical, where I started as Regional Sales Manager in the International Sales department.

Why did you decide to do an EMBA? Why did you choose the Mannheim Executive MBA?

In 2017, I was given the opportunity to become a board member and Executive Sales Director on condition that I complete an MBA. To me, it was a no-brainer to start a program at one of the best institutions in Europe, Mannheim Business School. After attending the Open Day, talking to alumni and carefully reviewing the program, I was very confident that I would develop the skills needed for my future role in the course of the EMBA at MBS, as almost all the challenges and requirements that I defined were addressed in the program. Finally, I was very happy when I successfully completed the application process.

What impact did the Mannheim EMBA have on your career?

Successfully completing the EMBA was the final and biggest challenge for me on my way to the management team. In January 2020, I became a member of the management board at TRACOE medical. In my new position, I benefit greatly from what I have learned in the last two years. In particular, I received positive feedback on my communication and leadership style.

What were some significant experiences that you took away with you from the program? What was your personal highlight?

I had several key moments in my time at MBS, but I will focus on the three most important experiences.

I learned a lot about myself through my fellow students. Working closely with very talented and bright people shows you exactly where you stand and where you still have room for improvement. The personal exchange in between and after classes has influenced me a lot. Besides my personal development through others, I also found new friends and extended my network dramatically.

The study trip to Georgetown University was another unforgettable highlight for me. Listening to and meeting all these impressive speakers in the lecture rooms of one of the elite US universities is something I will never forget.

I also need to emphasize the Strategic Business Project. The opportunity to work on a growth strategy for a global corporation in a highly motivated and skilled team was a great challenge. We were able to implement everything we learned during the program – from strategic management and marketing to financial accounting – in our project. The Strategic Business Project made my journey at Mannheim Business School even more special.

How did the EMBA prepare you for dealing with crisis situations such as the current corona crisis?

The COVID-19 pandemic caught us, like many others, unawares, and we quickly had to make important decisions. Even though we were positively impacted by the pandemic – due to the huge demand for our products – it was one of the biggest challenges we had to face. I am very certain that the EMBA helped me make the right decisions with my teams and I was better prepared to moderate and communicate internally as well as externally.

“Before joining the program, I wanted to improve in three areas: strategic thinking, business acumen, and intercultural experience. The Mannheim Executive MBA helped me progress in all three. With the broad knowledge I have gained, I was perfectly prepared for my new role in BASF’s New Market Development, to which I was promoted in the course of the program, as well as for the new role as Head of Sustainability Strategy at BASF’s Performance Materials Division I started in July 2020.”

Dr. Matthias Scheibitz, Mannheim Executive MBA Class of 2018

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Before joining the program, I wanted to improve in three areas: strategic thinking, business acumen, and intercultural experience. The Mannheim Executive MBA helped me progress in all three. The strategic business project, which is an integral part of the Executive MBA at Mannheim Business School, covered the first two development targets. The third aspiration was fulfilled through the intense exchange with my dear fellow students – a top-notch cohort of highly skilled and motivated people with diverse professional and cultural backgrounds. Over the 18 months of the program, we developed a real esprit de corps, which made it an extremely intense, enjoyable, and sustainable learning experience, despite the high workload.

One personal highlight was the study trip to Washington, where we spent a full week at the McCourt School of Public Policy of Georgetown University to learn how effective global leaders can cultivate a panoramic understanding of different disciplines, sectors, and cultural divides in order to solve the world’s most challenging problems. The second highlight was the leadership training in San Cyr, in the course of which we were asked to demonstrate our leadership strengths in unusual and challenging situations under extreme pressure, albeit in a safe environment. I did not expect either of these in an MBA program – they both underline the holistic approach of Mannheim Business School.

With the broad knowledge I have gained, I was perfectly prepared for my new role in BASF’s New Market Development, to which I was promoted in the course of the program, as well as for the new role as Head of Sustainability Strategy at BASF’s Performance Materials Division I started in July 2020.

"The high-level of expectations towards the participants could be met as the group offered motivation and mutual support for delivering the best out of ourselves during the day - and enjoy a great time together in the evening.”

Sophie Ismaier, Mannheim EMBA Class of 2014

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When moving from Brussels to Frankfurt to start her job at DB Netz, the German Rail Infrastructure Company, it very soon became clear to Sophie Ismaier that the project she was in charge of was bearing great business potential still to be unfold, but which would require additional leadership skills and business-oriented competences. At a personal level, she had the feeling that she had made the best use of her public administration profile, strengthened by three years at the European Commission, but yet needed to reach for more. Sophie was looking for enlarging her intellectual horizon to, for her, largely unexplored territories and was eager to meet new people. Therefore, she decided to participate in the Mannheim EMBA Program.

The Mannheim EMBA fulfilled all of her expectations. Sophie values in particular the high quality and practice-oriented training and lectures. She regards her participation in the EMBA Program as the experience of a life time:

“The high-level of expectations towards the participants could be met as the group offered motivation and mutual support for delivering the best out of ourselves during the day - and enjoy a great time together in the evening.”

On a personal level, Sophie appreciates her personal growth and the bonds with the other participants:

“The EMBA gave me a sound self-confidence, strengthened my ability to propose, decide and deliver, and brought me new, long-lasting friendships. It made me a better, and a more resilient professional. In this respect, and even though I largely self-financed the program and attended it on my holidays, I regret neither a cent nor a day. I would do it all over again.”

Today, Sophie works as a project manager for DB Netz.



“Joining the EMBA means being part of an international high level ecosystem combined with high quality German standards. Thanks to this once in a lifetime experience, I had the privilege to enhance a systematic strategic leadership, while keeping the focus on a sustainable operational excellence.”

Davide Lunghi, General Manager Operations LVMH Watches & Jewelry, Executive MBA Alumnus 2014

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Before his Executive MBA, Davide had graduated in Business Administration at Bocconi University and had joined the fashion division of the luxury group LVMH. He had already built a successful career there and was Finance Director of the LVMH Watches and Jewelry business group when he felt the need to push his limits and move out of his comfort zone. Doing an EMBA seemed the ideal challenge. He chose the ESSEC & MANNHEIM EMBA in the weekend format (now the Mannheim EMBA), in order to be able to keep playing in the first league.

“I always strive for the best – and both ESSEC and Mannheim Business School have an excellent reputation, not only in France and Germany but also internationally. Moreover, I was attracted by the high diversity of the EMBA participants in terms of cultural, professional, and industry backgrounds.

The EMBA helped me develop a strong entrepreneurial mind and encouraged me to embrace risk and innovation in a more open way. All my fellow participants showed a high level of ambition, commitment, and dedication, which fostered my learning agility and my desire to keep moving forward. Moreover, the strong focus on teamwork motivated me to develop a business dynamic based on continuous learning, including feedback, design thinking, and team coaching. The whole EMBA experience made me understand how important it is to network and build a community based on excellence, common goals and challenges.

The support of one’s company is an important aspect for being successful in an EMBA program. I am very thankful to LVMH, who invest with energy in people development, and who encourage and welcome creative people with a pragmatic business approach.”

The EMBA also meant a career leap for Davide. Directly after graduation, he was promoted to General Manager Operations. He now leads a multi-cultural and multi-competence team of 100, dealing with ten European countries.

“Thanks to the EMBA, I assess situations now more from a management point of view and in a very structured way. In our extremely fast changing world, in which traditional industries can be disrupted overnight, I now feel prepared to take the right decisions for the future. Last but not least, I can get in contact with my fellows and friends from all around the world who are part of the large alumni network of Mannheim Business School. All in all, I think the EMBA was the best investment in my future.”

Bernd Hochstädter, Head of Business Unit Cosmetics, CMC Consumer Medical Care GmbH, Executive MBA Alumnus 2015

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Before he applied in Mannheim, Bernd compared several EMBA programs, making sure to choose one in which time and money would be well invested. “One reason I chose Mannheim Business School was the internationality of the participants and the emphasis on team work. I enjoy working in very diverse and international teams and Mannheim’s philosophy was just right for me. During the program, participants spend a lot of time working on demanding and interesting cases with experienced classmates from a lot of different backgrounds. In addition, the program and the school have an excellent reputation, not only in Germany but also internationally.”

The program format with classes every second weekend provided him moreover with the possibility to balance the EMBA and his job, especially as he was frequently travelling during the week at work in a Sales role. Even during the program, he was able to take on higher responsibilities in his job and increase his salary.

After completing the program, Bernd feels he can tackle his tasks with confidence: “Thanks to the EMBA, I assess situations now more from a management point of view and in a very structured way. In our extremely fast changing world, in which traditional industries can be disrupted overnight, I now feel prepared to take the right decisions for the future. Last but not least, I can get in contact with my fellows and friends from all around the world who are part of the large alumni network of Mannheim Business School. All in all, I think the EMBA was the best investment in my future.”

I'm a firm believer in continuous learning and the Executive MBA program provided an amazingly inspiring learning composition, including seminars, workshops, lectures as well as other helpful methods. I believe that great things happen by connecting the right people.

Thomas Saueressig, Mannheim EMBA Class of 2014

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Thomas Saueressig is Member of the Executive Board of SAP SE for SAP Product Engineering and was the youngest CIO amongst DAX companies. He explains how he uses the skills he learned during the Mannheim Executive MBA in his work at SAP. 

Like all companies, SAP is undergoing a massive digital transformation – and nowhere more urgently than in its IT department. As the then youngest CIO of all companies in the DAX, Thomas Saueressig relied daily on the skills he learned in the Executive MBA to lead the company’s internal transformation.

“I'm a firm believer in continuous learning and the Executive MBA program provided an amazingly inspiring learning composition, including seminars, workshops, lectures as well as other helpful methods,” says Thomas.

SAP’s ongoing digitalization – including a shift to the cloud – requires a complete change in mindset. To achieve this, leaders need to model the behavior they require from employees. This includes demonstrating how the company and individuals can benefit from change.

“During the MBA, with the help of the classmates, professors and coaches, I was able to reflect critically on my behaviors and to challenge myself.” Now Thomas, who started at SAP in 2004 as a student in the company’s dual work-education program, has developed his own management style built on authenticity and trust. Creating the right spirit, culture and mindset in the team is key and he places a lot of value on empowerment and employee development.

Thomas has had broad experience leading multiple teams in SAP’s IT organization and working in a global environment requires particular skills. He particularly enjoyed and benefited from international orientation of Mannheim Business School and the clear focus on cultural specifics in business, which helped to enhance his leadership skills and cultural sensitivity.

As an active networker, Thomas appreciated how the MBA program allowed him to develop close contacts to leaders in many other companies. He also found the cross-coaching and mentoring between his MBA classmates to be of tremendous value. “I believe that great things happen by connecting the right people.” 

Despite Thomas' challenging role at SAP, he found the curriculum fitted his work schedule, thanks to the bi-weekly classes on Fridays and Saturdays and he was able to manage both.

When he was SAP CIO, Thomas was creating a user-centric IT organization, with the twin goals of delivering great user and customer experiences, while changing the perception of IT. “In the digital economy, entrepreneurial spirit and experience are crucial to success. I found the entrepreneurial project in the MBA both exciting and inspiring, and I am working to foster an entrepreneurship culture at SAP.”

"Since the EMBA I have more confidence in myself and my leadership abilities. It is sometimes challenging being a younger woman in a leading position, and I feel the EMBA provided me with a solid base of business concepts, presentation techniques and leaderships skills which gave me the confidence I needed to discuss, negotiate and interact with a variety of business professionals in high level positions. In the leadership workshops and exercises I also gained experience and tools to be a good leader and motivate my employees."

Tawnya VanGroningen, Mannheim EMBA Class of 2013

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When her employer, DCL International, Inc., asked Tawnya VanGroningen to move from Canada to Germany to develop and grow the European business, she already held a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and had 7 years of work experience at the company in technical, sales and management roles. Still, she felt that she lacked a solid knowledge of business concepts which were necessary to succeed in this new position.

Tawnya VanGroningen, who worked as Sales Manager for Europe at DCL at the time, evaluated different schools and programs and chose the Mannheim EMBA. It appealed to her as it not only provided courses on every important subject related to business but also different methods and ways to present the information, including leadership camps, seminars, lectures, workshops and a variety of lecturers from both academia and business. Tawnya VanGroningen was convinced that the strong focus on multi-cultural and multi-competence group work would further enhance her leadership skills as businesses become more international and working with colleagues of different cultural background becomes more important. In addition to this, the three residencies located in France, USA and Asia appealed to her as it was an opportunity to gain hands-on experience for learning business concepts from different cultural backgrounds.

Tawnya VanGroningen also appreciated the time format:

"Another advantage of the program is the length of 18 months and scheduled classes every other Friday and Saturday. This was a schedule I could sustain in my personal life and my company could agree with while I was working a full-time position."

The EMBA provided her with personal and professional benefits:

"Since the EMBA I have more confidence in myself and my leadership abilities. It is sometimes challenging being a younger woman in a leading position, and I feel the EMBA provided me with a solid base of business concepts, presentation techniques and leaderships skills which gave me the confidence I needed to discuss, negotiate and interact with a variety of business professionals in high level positions. In the leadership workshops and exercises I also gained experience and tools to be a good leader and motivate my employees."

She regards the program as one of the best experiences of her life:

"It was a challenging 18 months but I learned a lot about myself. It helped me identify my strengths, improve my weakness, fine-tune my time management and organizational skills and build relationships with classmates of different cultural backgrounds and professions. The skills, contacts, and memories I made during the Mannheim EMBA program will stay with me for the rest of my life and guide me through the remainder of my career!"

Today Tawnya VanGroningen is Managing Director of the European subsidiary of DCL International Inc., DCL Europe GmbH. 

"One major motivation to do an Executive MBA was to fundamentally learn all the theories, tools, and skills that are relevant in business life. To me, choosing the Mannheim EMBA was a natural choice – first because it is the best business school in Germany and one of the best in Europe; second due to the proximity to my current hometown Heidelberg; last but not least due to the interesting curriculum."

Jörg Bruch, Mannheim EMBA Class of 2014

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When Jörg Bruch started his career with SAP SE, he held a degree in biology and geography, but had no formal education related to his business life. In order to fill this gap after more than ten years of work experience, he decided to join the Mannheim EMBA program:

"One major motivation to do an Executive MBA was to fundamentally learn all the theories, tools, and skills that are relevant in business life. To me, choosing the Mannheim EMBA was a natural choice – first because it is the best business school in Germany and one of the best in Europe; second due to the proximity to my current hometown Heidelberg; last but not least due to the interesting curriculum."

Bruch values the impact his MBA degree has made on his business life:

"The learnings are really helpful in my day-to-day business life, now having a solid background in Corporate Finance, Financial Accounting and many other disciplines. I also found myself reconfirmed in my leadership role, not only within my company but in a group of other executives from different companies and industries with really diverse backgrounds. Finally making so many new connections to other executives, not only in my class but through the Alumni network of MBS also to many others, is a real value in itself."

Bruch's biggest take-away from the Mannheim EMBA program:

"A kind of 'I can do' attitude – going 'back to school,' managing all the lectures and assignments besides my normal work and eventually graduating after eighteen months was a great re-confirmation that I can still learn very efficiently and that I can achieve something great. Also the Entrepreneurial Project was a really changing experience that is hard to gain in a corporate environment. Keeping this entrepreneurial thinking for my work in a corporate environment alive is definitely something that puts the question of value in the center of the work."

While before the degree, his daily business was mainly operational and related to budgets, processes and formal HR topics, Jörg Bruch took on additional responsibility after his MBA - first as Vice President and COO of a large development unit within SAP and now as Head of IT Operations, responsible for the operation of all SAP business systems worldwide.

"The excellent reputation of the Mannheim EMBA program and the possibility to work closely together with executives from a wide range of professional and educational fields were the decisive factors for my decision to participate in the program.”

Mirko Strube, Mannheim EMBA Class of 2008

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Mirko Strube started his career as Inhouse Consultant at MVV Energie AG and was convinced that in order to take his career to the next level he needed to expand on his leadership skills. For him, becoming a member of the Mannheim EMBA Class of 2008 was the logical consequence: 

"The excellent reputation of the Mannheim EMBA program and the possibility to work closely together with executives from a wide range of professional and educational fields were the decisive factors for my decision to participate in the program.”

Strube considers his expectations towards the program more than met:

“Besides the profound education, the most important aspect of the program was the intense team experience: without feedback and self-reflection it is hardly possible to grow – as a person and as a leader. Looking back, I can say that I learned as much from my peers as I did from my professors.”

His biggest take-away from the Mannheim Executive-MBA program: 

“Acknowledging and appreciating the value of past experiences, learning from mistakes and establishing an environment of trust and mutual support.”

Today Mirko Strube is Senior Vice President Controlling at E.ON Germany.

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Nilgün Vatansever
Admissions Manager Executive MBA Programs
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  • Mannheim Executive MBA Impact Report 2020-2022
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Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is considered to be one of the leading institutions of its kind in Germany and is continuously ranked as Germany’s #1.


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